Sunday, July 11, 2010

July Story: The Samurai and the Teamaster

This is a story I heard many years ago by a few tellers, each with their own version, each with their own ending. However, I wasn't satisfied with any of their endings, so I came up with my own. I hope you enjoy it.

This story was recorded in April 2010 at Cafe 92 Degrees, featuring Shayne Gryn on guitar.

I would also like to dedicate this story to Rick, who says this is his favorite story from me, and to Brendan R., who says I tell this story too often. What can I say? Some stories haunt me.

The Samurai and the Teamaster -- Told by JD Hickey (5:12 minutes)


Anonymous said...

Very beautiful, thank you

Copyright© 2010 John David Hickey