Monday, May 17, 2010

May Story: A Wise Little Girl

So here's another wisdom story for you for Spring from Russian folklore. This story was recorded at the 92 Degrees of Fools show back in April 2010 and features the incredibly gothic Shayne Gryn on guitar.

Don't forget the show at the end of May at Hurley's Irish Pub (May 30th, 7pm) where Shayne and I will be telling tales and drinking pints. We hope to see you there!

A Wise Little Girl (7:03 minutes)

There is a longer version of this story where the King marries the wise girl at the end, but fearing that she be too wise, he cautions her never to contract him on his judgments. Of course she does, and on the second time, with a heavy heart, he tells her to leave his kingdom, taking only what she can carry. She agrees to this, but asks for one last meal and night with her husband before she leaves. He agrees, but during the evening, she drugs his food so that he falls into a deep sleep. He wakes up to find himself in the back of a cart with his wife at the reigns saying that she agreed to leave taking her most precious thing, her husband.

I really like that ending, but I have never told it for some reason. I think I need to work that ending into it.


Copyright© 2010 John David Hickey